Learn a little more about us

    Specialists in cultural, social and economic profitability of Arts, Culture, Heritage, Tourist Resources and Gastronomy.

    Jorge Bernardez

    Strategic direction and management

    Jorge has more than twenty years of experience in the management, direction, consulting and training of organizations, mainly in the artistic, cultural, tourism and leisure fields, in the Canary Islands, Barcelona and Paris. He has been president of the Association of Cultural Management Professionals of Catalonia (APGCC) and the State Federation of Associations of Cultural Managers. Professor of Cultural Management at the Toulouse Business School (TBS-Barcelona). Guest lecturer and master's final tutor at various university centers (most recently at: ESADE Business School, ULPGC and UB). Graduate in Economics and Business Sciences (UAB), Master in Cultural Management (UB) and MBA (UPF). Specialization studies at City University (London) and the École des HEC (Montreal). More information: https://es.linkedin.com/in/jorgebernardez

    Comprehensive management for culture

    Our values

    Fundamental principles


    Proven solutions, customer satisfaction

    Profitability - Social impact

    Social utility, improvement of people's lives

    Economic profitability

    We maximize the realistic expected return on our activities

    Economic profitability

    We do not incur deficits, we do not reduce quality


    Results at the right cost


    Impact and generation of wealth for the territory

    Custom solutions

    From local to global


    We do not sell smoke


    Kaizen philosophy, technological solutions only to improve and facilitate the experience


    Solutions based on the elements of differentiation of cultural entities or products

    Orientation to

    Fulfillment of the organizational mission – Improvement of the lives of citizens – Results – Market